Welcome to the Valencia Northbridge HOA Architectural Page!

The HOA architectural review board is assembled to ensure the aesthetic integrity of the community and maintain the standards set forth in the CC&Rs that govern our beautiful development.

We also work diligently to develop new standards to enhance the community while maintaining the design characteristics of each individual tract.

Please read the following prior to submitting your application form below:

Please submit the application below with supporting attachments. Your Architectural Committee is tentatively scheduled to meet the second Monday of each month and all submissions must be received by the Wednesday prior to the meeting. All approvals will be in writing. One set of plans as a final approval will be retained in your file as a permanent record.

Please make certain you have included all items listed for your submittal. The Architectural Committee cannot review your submittal without the requested information for your particular proposed work. Omissions may not be noticed until the review meeting, which will cause review to be put off for a month until the missing information can be obtained from you.

Submit a color photograph of:
1. The front of your home
2. your next door neighbors (on both sides)
3. Paint chips of the proposed paint colors

View Approved Paint Colors

Approved paint colors are for the purpose of maintaining a color standard. Homeowners MUST FILL OUT AN ONLINE APPLICATION for approval. The Architectural Committee must not only review approved paint color, but also the colors of houses to the left and right sides of the subject property.

Submit a SITE PLAN to scale, showing dimensions of existing house, drive, walk, patio, etc. and the proposed improvements you wish to make. Show lot lines, size and distance of improvements to the lot lines, proposed materials, and North arrow.

Submit FLOOR PLANS to scale of all levels including appropriate dimensions.

Submit a DRAWING OF THE FRONT OF YOUR HOUSE to scale of all affected elevations including building heights and dimensions. Specify existing materials. Specify proposed colors. Proposed materials should match existing materials wherever possible.

Submit a COLOR PHOTOGRAPH of the existing portions of your house that the improvement will affect.

Submit a SITE PLAN to scale showing dimensions of existing and proposed improvements. Show lot lines and North arrow.

Submit a SITE PLAN to scale showing proposed improvements including any additional lighting. Include heights of any proposed walls and specify proposed materials to be used. Describe the existing materials that are adjacent to the proposed improvements. Proposed materials should match existing materials wherever possible.

Submit PAVING/HARDSCAPE CALCULATIONS for any proposed paving/hardscape work to be done in the front yard. Front yard paving may not exceed 30% per the Valencia North bridge Homeowners Association Architectural Guidelines.

Submit a PLAN to scale showing the proposed pool equipment enclosure. Show the enclosures proximity to your closest neighbor. Show any proposed sound dampening measures taken.

Architectural Application

Architectural Application Single Family Home
Are you resubmitting a new architectural application? *
Type of Improvement(s)? *
Please select all that apply
Address *
Improvement Plans

Maximum file size: 15MB

Architectural Application Acknowledgement *